Thursday, January 14, 2021

Accountability Gooooooooooals! (and other assists by Mexican sports broadcasters)

So I've decided 2021 is the year I'm finally going to get around to creating again. And here I am, wasting away what little creativity I have with a blog entry. Specifically, an entry that is not creative. 

By the end of the year - a mere 11.5 months away - I hope to have completed many of these:

- Design a board game. Ideally, that means Joe's Interstellar Garage or The Gauntlet. Realistically, I'll redesign some version of rock paper scissors that can only be played against Count Rugen. 

- Submit contest entries to On The Premises magazine or some other publication where I won't have to throw away money after my throwaway words. Their contests range in word count from 50 - 5000, both lengths I've keyboard-vomited in one sitting. 

- Compose a new song with Jerry. My aspirations are lofty enough without another unmerited attempt to learn how to play the guiltar. Yes, I spelled that correctly. Seems like I could pen another blog entry devoted to my failure to self-cultivate any musical talent. With Jerry, I'm responsible only for lyrics and harmony vocals. I'm ready to rhyme "Little Debbie" with "Hot-n-heavy." Hope the world is too. 

-  Publish a few board game reviews for Meeple Mountain. 'Bout time I shared more of this enthusiast's enthusiasm. One review will qualify as checking off this bullet point, every one beyond that is gravy. 

- Edit and rewrite Gone But Not Forgotten, a co-written piece that deserves better than it is. 

- Finish any of the projects I started with/for Stephen Lawson. Similar to Will Sells, the GBNF author, Stephen starts and finishes stories. I've been envious of both of them and their follow-through to completion, but it's something I have in me. Stop critiquing and start writing my own damned stuff. 

- NaNoWriMo. It's stupid to even consider 50K words in a year; forget churning that in November alone! That's the kind of ridiculousness that causes people to rekindle a blog that hasn't sparked in some eight years. Good golly! 

That should suffice for enough fodder for one year. If I check one off each month (reserving November accordingly), I'll still have four months to twiddle my thumbs, a feat nigh impossible whilst typing. 

If you actually read this blog entry, congratulations! You're a rare animal. If you cared about this blog entry, you're extinct. 

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