Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Times of the Signs

A staffer at work hung a dry erase board on their office door with the following demand: KEEP DOOR CLOSE AT ALL TIMES. While I won't rule out the possibility someone erased the letter D, I prefer reading it verbatim. Which means either (1) I need to post myself near that portal from arrival to departure, or (2) I need to remove the hinge pins and carry a heavy metal door with me everywhere I go. In either case, I can point at the directive when asked what on earth I'm doing. (Why do people ask "What on earth are you doing?" Where else would I be? Suddenly I'm Dr. Manhattan? Need I verify that I'm wearing pants?)

My favorite misread sign was one I saw while driving through Philadelphia looking for a parking spot. On the wall of the lot: PLEASE PAY UNINFORMED PARKING ATTENDANT. It was my mistake - the word "Uniformed" was printed correctly - but I couldn't help but picture some fool wandering between cars collecting cash and asking what it was for.

New definition for the Washington Post:

Lolcation: (n) The place in cyberspace where people laugh out loud yet it makes no sound.

Another direction...

I should follow someone else's blog so I can see how it works when new posts surface. Unfortunately, of my five followers, Ace and Honeygloom have deserted theirs, Ms. Norton keeps a blog with a different organization, and Rod has too much difficulty forming complete thoughts to worry about complete sentences. I suppose I could follow someone else followed by my followers, thereby shortening the six degrees of separation. But that feels like the blind leading the blog, and besides that, I don't like to read. So if you have a suggestion of an entertaining post-er who uses this venue to broadcast their idiocy for the world to see... basically, I'm looking for an inferior version of myself. Preferably someone with lots of followers that will subsequently discover my genius and worship me accordingly.


  1. HA! Fooled you Nash! As of yesterday, Ace Walks Toronto has risen from the grave and started sampling the local brains cuisine. And by the way, I follow your blog religiously -- only it's more of a lurking stalker-ish kind of following. I peek in your blog's windows hoping to catch you in your undies kind of following. Pictures will be posted on my photo blog when I finally catch a shot I'm happy with. What was your question again?

  2. I'm flattered, honored, and closing my blinds.

  3. When did you start wearing undies, bro?

  4. Geez, Sue! Now the thought of him going commando is in my head. I need to rinse my brain now.
