Monday, September 14, 2009

An Apples and Oranges a Day

Said it before and I'll say it again: Stupid people piss me off.

Do they know they're morons? Is there a subsect of self-awareness that includes enligtened stupidity? Or is ignorance a prerequisite, lest they sense a nagging to improve their intelligence (or lack thereof)? It's not a lower IQ that bothers me; it's the deliberate life choices that supply proof for the argument against Darwinism. Better yet are the self-righteous few who preach their idiocy from pedestals and achieve support groups to encourage them toward greater accomplishments in the realm of dumb (the dumbdom?)

Today's example: I take two nasal decongestants. Veramist and P...nase. (The name escapes me, but while a crappy memory correlates with an impenetrable skull, it doesn't necessarily make me one of them.) The P-nase is to be taken in the morning. Veramist at night. One of the side effects of P-nase is sleepiness. Veramist can cause restlessness.

Thanks, Dr. Pharmacist. Imbecile.

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